Green Tomato Jam with Dried Mint

Growing up, my dad loved to make plates of snacks and bring them down to the living room where we would sit and watch TV together. Now that we live in the same town again, I sometimes go over for a glass of wine and one of those plates of snacks. It usually consists of fruit, nuts, chips, maybe some leftover sausage rolls or cheese sandwiches. There’s usually something British somewhere on the plate, which makes me think of the plowman’s lunch you can find at most pubs in England. They include meats, cheeses, pickles, and something sweet, like honey or jam with sliced bread or crackers. Soooo delicious, but still not as good as my dad’s creations.


When I was little I remember my dad spending time “down at the allotment”, a community garden in a neighboring village where he would grow all kinds of vegetables. He would trade with fellow gardeners and bring home all kinds of delicious treasures. In addition to the allotment, he filled the end of our back yard and all along one side with runner beans, tomatoes, gourds, zucchini, cucumber, and more. Wishing I had inherited his green thumb, I took on an plot at a community garden about 10 miles down the road from where I live now. I did manage to grow a few things, including tomatoes. In fact, every time I went down to the allotment I came back with handfuls of them. After flipping through a new cookbook, I decided to pick some of the green ones to make jam.

I actually grew these!!

I actually grew these!!

Dried mint can be found online or at Middle Eastern market.  The taste is different to fresh mint, so if you can’t find it, just leave it out.  The red chili flakes are found just about anywhere.

Dried mint can be found online or at Middle Eastern market. The taste is different to fresh mint, so if you can’t find it, just leave it out. The red chili flakes are found just about anywhere.

This green tomato jam recipe is based on Rosetta Costantino’s Marmellata di Pomodori Verdi  recipe in her wonderful My Calabria cookbook.  I have made a much smaller quantity and added dried mint and red pepper flakes for a beautifully unexpected twist.  It pairs perfectly with aged cheddar, garlic-rubbed toasted black bread, fresh apple slices, and pickled green grapes, resulting in my version of the plowman’s lunch.


If you grow tomatoes, this is a great way to make use of the unripened green ones. So, invite someone you love over for a late night snack, a glass of wine, or a pint, and plop yourselves down in front of the boob tube for the evening.


Green Tomato Jam with Dried Mint


225 g green tomatoes

70 g white sugar

¼ lemon – zested

2 tsp lemon juice

½ tsp dried mint

Small pinch red pepper flakes – optional


1.     Cut the green tomatoes into quarters or eights and scoop out the seeds with a butter knife, small spoon, or your fingers.  

2.     Discard the seeds and chop tomatoes into 1/2” chunks.

3.     Add tomatoes and the rest of the ingredients to a heavy-bottom pot.

4.     Over medium heat, bring to a boil.  Stir periodically to prevent sticking.

5.     Once the mixture comes to a boil, reduce the temperature to a simmer.

6.     Simmer for about 40-50 minutes until contents reaches 215F

7.     Remove pot from heat, let jam cool slightly, and refrigerate for up to 3 weeks.


Almond Pesto


Pickled Green Grapes