Garlic Confit
I learned about garlic confit when working with a very talented chef in Sacramento. I met Matt when volunteering at the annual Pebble Beach Food and Wine event during culinary school. I stood back a bit and watched him and his crew work on their delicious foie gras appetizers and beautiful chocolate garnished multi-layered desserts. After a minute or two I could see I would learn a lot from these skilled cooks, so I offered my help. They soon found something for me to do and I glommed onto them for the rest of the day. After we spent hours serving customers these beautiful treats, I asked Matt if I could come up to Sacramento and spend some time in his kitchen. He happily agreed, so off I went a few times a week to learn as much as I could. And learn I did!
One of the most versatile recipes I took away from my time there was garlic confit, although I’m not sure you can actually call it a recipe since it’s so simple. When you confit something, you are slow-roasting it in its own fat. Think duck confit, which is cooked in rendered duck fat. Well, this garlic is cooked in grapeseed oil, both plants. I chose grapeseed oil because, not only is it neutral in flavor, but it also has a high smoke point, so there’s not fear of it burning and getting bitter during the cooking process.
When all is said and done, you end up with two products: buttery soft garlic cloves and flavorful garlic-infused oil. You can use both the garlic and oil together or separately. Spread silky cloves on thick toasted bread, dot a juicy steak with these gems, or blend them into Garlic Confit Hummus (recipe on blog)… the best damn hummus in the world, if I do say so myself. The oil can be used in vinaigrettes, made into an herby dip for flatbread, or drizzled over white bean spread. It’s addictive!
It’s a lot of work to peel several heads of garlic, so I buy the garlic already peeled. You can find it in the produce department at your local market in jars or bags. It’s convenient and so good! So good in fact, I always have a deli container of this in my fridge.
Garlic Confit
Yield: 1 ½ cup
6oz pre-peeled garlic cloves
¾ cup grapeseed oil – may need a bit more to just cover garlic cloves
Preheat oven to 350F.
In an oven-safe container, like a small cake pan or ramekin, place already-peeled garlic with grapeseed oil. You can gently shake the pan to move the garlic cloves around a bit to ensure they are all covered, but you may need to top off with a bit more oil.
Roast uncovered for 25-30 minutes until soft, like butter when pressed with a fork.
Cool at room temperature. Then, transfer to a container and store in the fridge.